Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Christian Youth In Action (CYIA) Camp

Memorial day was fantastic! Thank you so much for your prayers! The weekend was so much fun for me as well as the other 3 girls who taught with me. It was an awesome experience and the kids were adorable. We didn't want to leave them after just 3 days! The 4 of us had an amazing time!

And now I am getting ready for another amazing opportunity. Christian Youth In Action (CYIA) camp for Washington state starts this Friday at Lake Retreat. It is an intense 9 days of learning, teaching, spiritual growth and serving God! I will be supervising a group of junior highers at camp and they will be teaching elementary aged children from the 21-25. This week we will be teaching at 27 different 5 day clubs and will be presenting the gospel and building relationships with kids from all over the Renton/Kent/Covington area.

Please pray for all of the students, supervisors and children this coming week. Everyone attending camp was given a list to pass along to family and friends so they could pray for specific needs. Here is a copy of the one I received. I cannot tell you how much your prayers are needed and appreciated!

Friday June 18:
~Prayer for safety in travel to camp.
~Pray that I can develop good relationships with the adults and teens at camp.
~Pray that the Holy Spirit would speak to me during the opening chapel service.

Saturday June 19:
~Pray for mental alertness as today is a heavy classroom day.
~Pray that I can help my trainees successfully complete their assignments.
~Pray for good results as the trainees start to prepare for club.

Sunday June 20:
~Pray that I would have wisdom and understanding while evaluating the trainees on their teaching.
~Pray for me to have a good nights rest.
~Pray that God will send many children to attend our club tomorrow.

Monday June 21:
~Pray that the trainees will not be too nervous today as club begins.
~Pray that the trainees and I will listen as God is speaking to us.
~Pray that the trainees will learn to put God first in every area of their lives.

Tuesday June 22:
~Pray for the trainees that they clearly present the gospel today.
~Pray that the children attending the club will be well behaved.
~Pray that the saved children will be discipled today at club.

Wednesday June 23:
~Pray that the trainees won't grow weary in their preparations.
~Pray that the children will receive Jesus as their Savior today.
~Pray for physical strength and rest.

Thursday June 24:
~Pray for the trainees as the junior high trainees join 5-Day Club teaching teams today.
~Pray that there will be good friendship between the junior and senior trainees.
~Pray for the children's and trainee's home environments. Many are difficult.

Friday June 25:
~Pray that God will help me to be effective as I help the trainees today.
~Pray that the local churches will conduct effective follow-up of the non-churched children.
~Pray that God will speak to me at the communion service tonight and I will obey.

Saturday June 26:
~Pray for a safe trip home.
~Pray that God will bless the 5-Day Club hostesses for opening their homes for clubs.
~Pray that I will remain spiritually strong when I return home.

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